Tuesday, January 21, 2014

28 Day Detox Challenge Update : Week 2

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Last week, I posted about my reasons for starting this 28 Day Challenge and my experiences/results so far.  So appropriately, I wanted to share my week 2 findings with you, as well. Here's where I'm at:

  • Energy: My energy levels are up this week. Work outs were easier than last week. My body is adjusting to the detoxification process. The B vitamins in the all natural Fizz Sticks drinks have been the missing link in my vegetarian diet over the years.  I have not been very good at supplementing those and I can tell a difference now!
  • Digestive/GI: Major bloating and abdominal pain (that I have had checked out various times - long story) has almost completely resolved.  Most likely due to eliminating toxic foods and drinks and adding nutritional and safe supplements such as the Arbonne's Digestive Plus (pro/prebiotics & digestive enzymes).
  • Joint Pain: Still feeling great and literally having no joint pain. Even my lower back pain seems to have resolved. This is CRAZY to me! It's most likely due to eliminating foods that cause inflammation?! Made it through an intense cardio kickbox class which usually kills my knees.
  • Learning: Still enjoying all the new clean eating recipes (Eggplant "Pizzas" tonight, yum!) I'm also learning about new ingredients to add to our clean eating pantry.  Finally, I'm learning that this is very possible with the right mindset.  
  • Cravings:  Week 2 was a bit more intense in this area.  So many people sipping coffee around me and eating yummy toxic foods has been a bit tempting at times.  I'm staying strong, however, because I know how great I feel and I know the benefits from staying disciplined in this. 
  • Weight/inches: Down almost 6 lbs. and 3 inches as a bonus.  This was not my main goal for doing this detox, but I will definitely take this added benefit post 5 pregnancies. (My babies were worth every pound ; ) I wanted to focus more on internal issues/changes, but this kind of change happens from the inside out and I'm definitely OK with that : )

This is not to take place of or act as medical advice.  Please consult your physician for any nutritional plans or diets. These are my personal and true experiences.  I am an Independent Consultant (ID # 14414570) for Arbonne. Check out Arbonne and/or order (ID #14414570).

28 Day Detox groups start every other monday.  Leave a comment if you'd like more info.  You are worth this!

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