Monday, June 25, 2012

Perspective, it's a beautiful thing!

I always love when things come into perspective.

One day recently, seemed to be a particularly long day. After nursing the baby through the night, another one of our little cuties woke me up quite early. Her sweet morning "mommy" calls are too precious to make me cringe at the hour she wakes me. We all did our daily routine and when my husband got home, he had to finish a project he had started in the garage. The day seemed to all run together into the evening without a break to stop and breathe.

I had wanted to go for a walk that day, but it didn't really happen. When he finished his project, we all spontaneously loaded up the van and headed for the beach. It was beautiful. It was what we all needed. My husband very graciously played in the sand with our girls so that I could take a long walk down by the water. It was amazing! The sun was setting and the water glistened.

I have always loved the ocean and large bodies of water {our beach is not the ocean, but it is still huge} because they remind me of how big and beautiful this world is. It takes me outside "my little box" of life. Mountains, stars and sunsets have the same effect on me.

Consequently enough, that same week our pastor showed this video about the hugeness of God and his love. The vastness of the universe and really how small our part in it really is. The book that I have been reading, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Frances Chan, sends out the same reminder. It is a humbling thought, but it truly puts things into perspective. It's not that we don't matter or our problems and concerns don't matter. In fact, the Bible speaks about the fact that the God of this HUGE universe even considers us.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them
You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet:
all flocks and herds.... (Psalm 8:3-7)

That's a pretty amazing concept. The God of the universe cares for us. I just think it's a good thing when we keep that in check. God is SO much bigger than us, our problems, our thoughts and our worries.....and our "greatness". I guess to put it plainly, let's all step outside tonight, look up at the enormous sky filled with millions of stars and eat a big piece of "humble pie".


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

The beach is always a reminder for me, too! And I know it's not the ocean but in the same week we were at the Pacific and then Lake Michigan and I have to say... Lake Michigan is pretty amazing. :)


Kelly said...

What a sweet reminder of God's greatness.

Kelly said...

What a sweet reminder of God's greatness.

Kelly said...

What a sweet reminder of God's greatness.

Kelly said...

What a sweet reminder of God's greatness.